Connecting luxury destinations with a fashion concierge service that sends a vacation wardrobe for a trip, holiday or event to your door or hotel

Sophie Caulcutt CREDIT: CAT GARCIA
Dream luxurious vacations are my favorite vice to date.
Unfortunately, I’m not privilege enough to take one every-year (this is not a complaint! I’m enjoying my vacations very much and can’t wait to the upcoming one)
anyhow, just imagine arriving at your hotel, and finding a perfectly curated vacation wardrobe matching your personal style.
OK, Stop dreaming!
Voyager Club has new brilliant first-of-its-kind fashion travel service that deliver a hand-picked styles directly to your hotel room.
Voyager Club’s “My Vacation Stylist” service initiative offers an in-person or virtual consultation that matches your personal preferences with your vacation style pulled via based on your budget and ship them directly to your hotel in time for your stay
BEST PART: you’ll only charged for the items you keep, meaning you can try on as many different outfits as you’d like (and take a corresponding number of mirror selfies) without having to commit.

Isn’t that just perfect ?
Enjoy your Summer Vacation!