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Jun 25, 2017
The Alpha Female
We are all very much familiar with the phrase and the typecast of the Alpha Male, but what about the Alpha Female? If you type on you...

Apr 19, 2017
Femme Inspiration
“Be generous with your time and your resources and with giving credit and, especially, with your words. It’s so much easier to be a...

Apr 9, 2017
Femme Inspiration
“Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone...

Mar 6, 2017
Femme Inspiration
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~Maya Angelou #quotes #motivation #woman #inspiration #FemmeInspiration

Feb 20, 2017
Femme Inspiration
“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for...

Feb 6, 2017
Femme Inspiration
“I try to write parts for women that are as complicated and interesting as women actually are.” ~Nora Ephron #quotes #justwords #woman...

Jan 30, 2017
Femme Inspiration
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” ~Helen Keler #HelenKeler #quotes #woman #inspiration #FemmeInspiration

Jan 22, 2017
Femme Inspiration
“My mother gave me a sense of independence, a sense of total confidence that we could do whatever it was we set out to do. That’s how we...

May 22, 2013
Just Words
EN// Few words of wisdom to help me get through this exhausting Wednesday. Picture via here #justwords #quotes #wordsofwisdom

May 14, 2013
האמנתי בו והוא קרה. היום, אחרי עשרה ימים של “נקיונות” ו”סידורים” הקסם הזה קרה, כל דבר נכנס בדיוק למשבצת המיועדת לו. דברים הסתיימו ודברים...
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